The Occasional's Guide to Vice Presidents

The Vice Presidency has a rich and wonderful history. Actually, it doesn’t. The position is filled with no-named mediocrities who have achieved very little beyond being written about every once in a while by sixth graders and adult imbeciles. With that said, all of the VPs have at least a few some interesting idiosyncrasies, some of which are to the right...

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Horses Dish on Rafalca


The real dirt on the Romney’s dressage mare.



Clover Handbag


"First of all, what kind of name is Rafalca? Seriously. Any self-respecting horse would have a normal name, like Uncle Vanya’s Deposit or Remembering Another Dashboard. I was introduced to her by my friend Too Many Corduroy Balloons, and I said, ‘Girl, you gotta do something about your name,’ and she was like, ‘Mummy and Papa think it sounds classy,’ and I was like, ‘Rafalca sounds like someone throwing up in the middle of saying alfalfa.’ And she got really mad and whispered, ‘I’ll pay someone to turn you into glue just to watch you die.’ That’s when I realized: It doesn’t matter what her name is. This horse is an asshole."



Dressage Horse

"Look, most of us dressage horses are pretty well off -- well, not US, exactly -- we’re still horses, after all, and we’re bred to dance around like mincing idiots for millionaires -- but our owners are pretty well off. But Rafalca’s owners are ... different. I mean, they have all this money, and yet they don’t drink? My owners spend thousands of dollars on champagne every month. What do Rafalca’s owners spend their money on? Rafalca’s always bragging that her hay is really high quality, but c’mon -- it’s hay, you know? It can only be so nice. I’m no accountant, but part of me wonders if Rafalca’s owners keep their money hidden somewhere, out of sight."



Quarter Horse

"Those Romney people spent all that money on her, and then she only placed 26th at the Olympics! We all had a good laugh over that. Her canter looked like four buckets falling off a staircase."



Dressage Horse

"As a Christ-centered horse, I was bothered by Rafalca’s Mormonism. At first she was real cagey about it -- ‘It’s not my religion, it’s my owners’ religion,’ things like that. Then one night me and some other horses were up late talking about what happens after you die and Rafalca overheard us and got all excited and started stamping her hooves and talking about how in Mormonism, when you die you go to a different planet, like on Star Trek -- she kept saying, ‘I’ll be a space horse, I’ll be a space horse!’ And we were like, ‘Chill out, already. You just knocked over a water bucket,’ and she yelled, ‘All non-Mormon horses will be cast into the Outer Darkness!’ and left."


This article was originally published October 2012


K&A: Joe Mande


Julie Klausner chats with Joe Mande, a successful writer & standup, and a rapscallion on Twitter and a must-follow.


Julie Klausner: Hi Joe Mande! How are you liking living in Los Angeles so far?

Joe Mande: Los Angeles is good, thank you! I got a Prius and an apartment in Los Feliz.  I’m settling into an exciting new cliché!


JK: What will you miss least about your old neighborhood in Brooklyn?

JM: I’ve been away from Brooklyn for only two months, but already miss it very much. However, what I definitely don’t miss are the Brooklyn sidewalks, which seem to be constantly littered with an almost defiant amount of dog shit and used condoms. 



JK: When will your dog, Blanche be joining you in California? Do you think she will like LA? 

JM: I’m very excited for Blanche to become a California resident. Dogs just seem happier here. What LA lacks in used condoms on the sidewalk (her #2 favorite thing in the world), it more than makes up for in sunshine (her #1 favorite thing).


JK: Tell me about your friend JoeMande on OKCupid. Who do you think would be a good match for him, romantically?

JM: JoeMande is an enormous black man living in Norway whom I found recently online while googling myself. He seems pretty chill. If there is a massive Norwegian Nubian princess on OKCupid, I hope they find one another.


JK: I know you’re working for Parks & Rec now. Do you follow politics in general? I know that show isn’t really about politics. It is a workplace comedy! But I am using it as a point of departure.

JM: I follow many politicians on Twitter. Does that count?


JK: Yes. What do you think of Paul Ryan?

JM: He seems nice, but his views on women’s reproductive rights and the role of government in general frighten me and should prevent him from becoming the Vice President of the United States. That being said, I do think he looks like he could manage the fuck out of an Applebee’s.


JK: What is your Brunch order?

JM: That’s probably the hardest question to answer. Like, in life. I wish I could eat brunch for every meal. French toast is always a pretty safe bet. Sometimes I go crazy and get chicken and waffles. Or just a biscuit with cream cheese and hot pepper jelly. A lot of the time I just  want to stuff my face with baked eggs, you know? If a place knows how to make a good roasted tomato, fucking forget about it. (I could go on for another 8 pages, but will stop as a gesture of respect to your other questions.)


JK: That is wonderful. What was the last thing you looked at on the internet while you were high?

JM: I had recently developed a bad habit of watching a lot of open-heart surgeries on YouTube, but then my girlfriend requested that I stop doing that. I believe the last stoned YouTube rabbit hole I went down was watching all the various theme songs to Martin and the Cosby Show. Really great stuff. 


JK: What’s the whitest thing about you?

JM: I have a season pass for Meet the Press on my DVR.


JK: What were you like in junior high?

JM: I was about four feet tall, rollerbladed to school, masturbated constantly, wore Smashing Pumpkins and Beastie Boys t-shirts, and was elected student council president.


JK: Why don’t you have a podcast? Is that legal? You’re a standup comedian in LA.

JM: Well, I’ve noticed that the only things I talk about on a regular basis are: sneakers, coffee, The Newsroom, and the racial makeup of the Minnesota Timberwolves. I feel bad subjecting my friends to these conversations. I can’t even imagine recording myself and expecting strangers to listen to them.


JK: Do you like cats or do you think they are dumb?

JM: I get that cats are low maintenance, which is great. But the only cool cats I’ve ever met were the ones that acted like dogs. So just get a dog. I’m speaking to you specifically, Julie. I want you to get a dog.


JK: I WANT TO GET A DOG! I will get a dog when I inevitably move to LA. Until then, it’s Cats, Cats, Cats! Anyway. Please tell the world what you and your awesome girlfriend Kylie say to Blanche when she misbehaves.

JM: When Blanche acts up we say, “Time out, Blanche” and she runs into the bathroom and stares sadly into our bathtub.


JK: HAAHAHA! I love that. I miss you! This isn’t a question. 

JM: I miss you too. Am I getting fat? That is a question.


JK: No!!!!!


This article was originally published October 2012

Dating Advice from an Eight-Year-Old


Dear Lucas, 
I'm 30 years old and never had a serious relationship. I've been out with so many guys that I no longer think I can recognize Mr. Right. How will I know if I really love someone?Tired in Tahoe

Dear tired, 
You know you've found someone you love when you vomit every time you see them. My Mom told me that's why I vomit all the time. Because I'm in love. My school nurse said it's because I'm not getting enough nutrients in my diet and my body is rejecting everything. Love is so fun!


Dear Lucas, 
My girlfriend just told me she's never had sex and I can't decide if this is a good thing. I don't know if I can handle the pressure of being her first. What if I'm bad and she never wants to do it again?
Scared in Sacramento

Dear scared, 
This is great news. When I hide under my parents' bed at night, I always hear my mom tell my dad "Already?" and then he says "I'm under a lot of pressure at work, can we try again in ten minutes?" And then he says something about it being her fault. Then she says the first time they had sex was the "biggest mistake of her life," which is funny because that's what she calls me! My mom's always joking and crying. Anyway, my parents are very happy and they wish they never even had sex so you should be happy you and your girlfriend still haven't, too. 


Dear Lucas, 
My boyfriend and I were at McDonald's and we got in this huge fight. He stormed out and I haven't seen him in a week. Do I give him his space or should I reach out to him?
Boyfriendless in Boise

Dear Boyfriendless, 
You were at McDonald's! I'm so jealous. My mom brings me to Wendy's on Tuesdays and drops me off for 45 minutes while she checks into a hotel for a nap. She says it's the same thing but I wouldn't know. Does McDonald's also have a man with a beard who sneezes on your Frostee?


Dear Lucas, 
I'm not sure you should be hanging out at a Wendy's by yourself. Also, what should I do about my relationship?
Still Boyfriendless

Dear Boyfriendless, 
Please answer the question about the Frostees. I'm very thirsty.


Dear Lucas, 
Tell me what Wendy's you're at and I'll come help. I'm a social worker and would love to talk to you about your home life.
Still Boyfriendless

Dear Boyfriendless, 
Whenever my dad is on a business trip, my mom has what she calls "morning friends." When I ask them what their favorite cereal is, my mom tells me I'm not allowed to talk to strangers so I don't think I can talk to you. It is my professional opinion that we end our correspondence. 



This article was originally published October 2012


Five Questions with Kyle Kinane


What is the greatest state?

Inertia. Or California. I love California. You can go to the beach, the desert, and the mountains in one day. I've never done that, of course. It is a preposterous notion. But I do go to the pho place down the street from my house, which is also right next to my laundromat. How many states have a mediocre pho restaurant next to a laundromat right by where I live? Not Michigan! No, sir. Mostly because I don't live in Michigan. Plus, I can see the mountains from my house when the smog clears, which is never. The best state is California, because you can pretend to see smog-hidden mountains from a syringe-covered beach while remembering there's a desert you have to cross when you drive to Vegas, which is never, because Vegas is a Swiffer mop for overfed retards. 


Who is the most American person of all time?

Psh. Evel Knievel. He invented the Grand Canyon and jumped over five presidents at once with a motorcycle and in 1972 he started eating a pound of Canadian soil a day just so he could shit it out and make it property of the USA. 


Are you, or have you ever been a Communist?

One time I got in trouble for bringing candy to school because the teacher said if I wanted to bring candy, I had to bring some for everyone in the class, so the next day I did, and then Joseph McCarthy blacklisted me from being in the school play.


Someone is treading on you. What do you do?

KEEP YOUR HASHTAGS OFF MY BODY... wait, what did you say? Treading? Oh, nevermind. I don't know what treading is. Who is doing the treading? Everyone's got something that gets them off in this world. Maybe I'm down with treading. Gotta try it first. 


What would your perfect flag look like?

First off, we need to get rid of these goddamn rectangles. I would have a circular flag that, when folded properly for ceremonies, would resemble a slice of pizza. I would have a pizza flag with Joey Ramone in the middle of it. 


Photography by Mandee Johnson

This article was originally published October 2012

Lifestyle Review: Shower

Artie Johann illustration by Gregor Louden

Artie Johann illustration by Gregor Louden

I’m here today to talk to you about a new lifestyle that I discovered last week while I was stealing bike pedals at the gym. It’s called showering.

You might be asking yourself “If you’ve never heard of showering, how do you clean yourself?” Good question, simple answer: tongue baths. My motto has always been, “If it’s good enough for a cat, it’s good enough for me.” So, if cats can bathe themselves, why can’t I? I’ve got less hair and a bigger tongue, so it seemed natural. And it’s worked out great for the most part. The only time it became a problem was when I was around people, or at work, or not around people, or not at work.

The thing is, I’ve always known what a shower was, I just didn’t think people used them for anything. I thought they were purely decorative. You know, like the fruit they put in living room displays at IKEA. That fruit is not real, by the way. But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat it. Just because something isn’t food, doesn’t mean you can’t eat it. Like this one time, I ate my neighbor’s kid’s tire swing. They didn’t even get mad at me. They actually bought me dinner for a week straight, then checked in with me sporadically for the next couple years. They said it was to make sure I wasn’t eating more garbage, but I think it was because they respected what I did to their swing.

Since discovering this showering thing, I decided to do a little research. And I found that there’s a whole culture of it in our country. Apparently, about 98% of our population chooses showering as their primary method of cleaning.  And here I am thinking it was only for fancy, ribbon-wearing horses. Sometimes I’m such a dope.  

After some more research, I decided to try this thing for myself. Here are three things I noticed since I started:



  1. That smell is gone. You know that smell that follows you around all day every day since you hit puberty? The one that smells like fleshy onions and dirty hair? Well, it’s gone. Showering must have cleaned out my sinuses or something. So that’s pretty cool.
  2. The drain is the perfect size for pee. A lot of life is finding places to take a leak. And in the shower is the perfect spot. You can clean yourself and get rid of your waste at the same time. I know what you’re thinking, and no, you can’t poo in it. For some reason babies are allowed to poo while they take a bath, but when adults do it people think you’re being an asshole. Which is okay. Unless they’re like a Duke or something, I don’t care if people think I’m an asshole.
  3. You can smoke in the shower and there’s never anybody telling you it’s bad. It’s hard nowadays to go places without people criticizing you for smoking. For example, I have these parents who give me a bunch of guff about it. I just tell them that I did it when I was nine years old and I was fine then, so why would it be any different now? Plus, everyone thought it was cool when I was nine. And trends don’t change. Why ruin my rep because my parents “want me around longer”?



Overall, I think showering is a lifestyle that’s here to stay. It’s easy, it’s fast, and there’ll always be enough water.  I know this because there are literally millions of faucets. I think that’s the problem in Africa. No faucets. All they need is a good plumber. You know, my uncle’s a plumber, he could probably do it. Actually, probably not. He’s afraid of flying, so I don’t know how he’d get there. I’m sure one of his friends would do it, just as long as it doesn’t get in the way of their bowling league. Plumbers get real serious about bowling. So they can help Africa any day, except Tuesday and Thursday nights.


Overall Rating



Four Out of Five Weird Baby Heads

(Baby heads are weird.  They’re bald and lumpy and mostly ugly.  But they must be a good thing because people seem to love babies.  I don’t get it, but I’ll follow trends off a cliff and babies are hot right now.)


This article was originally published October 2012


The Many Moods of Rob Corddry: A Users Guide

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Creative types have a legendary reputation for being difficult and moody. But Rob Corddry isn't your run of the mill "Grumpy till his first cup of coffee" personality. His particular brand of self-diagnosed "genius" requires significantly more managing than, for example, Dr. Henry Kissinger or Ralph Nader (both of whom also had shows on Adult Swim).

Over the many seasons of filming Childrens Hospital, we producers (or as Rob refers to us, "The Bar Mitzvah Boys") have learned to identify which of the many dark moods he's experiencing that day and how to channel it into telling jokes. To those who may find themselves working with Rob in the future, we offer them this cheat sheet of our survival tactics: Rob's mood paired with our prescription.






Omni directional rage

Assign a new intern to him for the day and hide


Unconditional self-centeredness

Set him up with a procession of bloggers. Every hammer needs a nail, right?


Generalized terror 

(with or without panic sweats)

Pretend he's invisible



Business as usual


Refusal to put on makeup

We solved this one in Season 3 by making his makeup heroin flavored


Faked writers block

Tell him Ken Marino is punching up his script


The giggles



Painful urination

A broad-spectrum anti-biotic


Disorientation and/or temporary amnesia

Totally fuck with him! This is one of our fun days.



Ice cream truck!


Obsessiveness resulting in gambling addiction

Mission Impossible style, we've built an entire fake Indian casino and racetrack outside Calabasas and staffed it with actors. It's rigged such that Rob always loses. Then he comes back to set, broke, hungry for his next paycheck.


Generalized alcohol abuse

Any day the call time is after 11am, you run the risk of Corddry showing up drunk. On those days, we schedule a phony pre-call punch-up session or tech walk-thru. So Rob has to come directly to set after dropping his daughters off at school. Otherwise, he has time to stop at a bar on his way in. Of course, if the call time is TOO early, we have the opposite problem -- he might still be drunk from the night before.


As you can see, we're like the finest sous-chefs, constantly tweaking the ingredients in our "sauce" (Corddry's psychology) to make our signature dish (episodes of Childrens Hospital). The worst, however, is when Rob comes in happy. Then there's nowhere to go but down. He could flip at the drop of the hat. It's too nerve-wracking. On those rare occasions he's in a good mood, we just set the generator truck on fire and go home.


This article was originally published October 2012


The Lost Roles of Children's Hospital


Here are some of the roles in the original pilot script of Children's Hospital that didn't survive the development process for one reason or another:



Chief's severely handicapped toddler

Reggie McNeil

A punch-drunk boxer and assistant payroll accountant

Dr. Crotchgrabber

The Dutch Ophthalmologist


The Ant

A superhero with the proportional strentgh of an ant. Also, literally someone's aunt.


The orderly who's always getting children high


Blake's black sheep half brother



A wiseass breakdancing monkey with no relation to the monkey on Animal Practice


From Friends


The homeless orphan shoeshine boy


"Buff" McCarthy

He's always buffing the floors. In the buff!

Dr. Hans Jackson

The comic relief/child killer

Nurse Cheryl

Really, really big tits


This article was originally published October 2012


Secrets Behind the Medical Props of Children's Hospital

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Watching Childrens Hospital, you probably assume that what you see is 100% real. Ready to have your mind blown? Almost everything on television is phony. Even the political conventions. We couldn't possibly use a real human brain on the show. The art department has to fake it. Is your mind blown yet? No? How about now: All the animals in Sesame Street are PUPPETS!

Repurposing everyday items, the Childrens Hospital art department works overtime* to create a simulacrum of the human body parts that appear your favorite operation scenes. Today, we let you in on some of their secrets. So let's give props to our props!


*Note to payroll department, don't literally pay them overtime


A Human Lung

Is created by taking a human kidney and bleaching it white.


An Adult Human Heart

Is made of two children's hearts sewn together. 


A Bowl of Lychee Nuts 

Is really just human testicles in a human skull.


When You See a Human Liver 

In the show, it's actually a human spleen cut in half. 


Human Muscle Fiber 

Is a cat turned inside out.



Is actually horse urine. Horse urine is limeade.


Human Blood

On camera, isn't human at all. It's one part chocolate syrup and two parts endangered panda blood, to make it redder.


Rob Corddry's Breasts 

Are silicone, not saline.


This article was originally published October 2012


Fuck Marry Kill: Tony the Tiger, Cap'n Crunch, That Jagoff Rooster on the Corn Flakes Box

Make your choice below. We won't judge.


Originally Published September 2013


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