The No. 1 Dating Site for Meth Addicts

meth.jpg is a 100% free online dating and social-networking site specifically for singles who are addicted to methamphetamine. Our website is designed to find you the perfect match within your local meth community because you deserve it. Before you perform fellatio as part of a last-minute bargaining technique, we want to make sure your partner is the right fit for you. So get that dick out of your mouth and peruse all our chemically-dependent singles!


Get started by signing up on If you don't have access to a computer because you're currently living outside a rundown motel, no problem! Any public library will let you use the computers, so long as you don't experience withdrawal in the presence of children.


All we ask is that you provide us with a valid, government-issued ID. If you no longer have access to any of your possessions, you may supply the phone number of your social worker or parole officer. Or connect with your Facebook account!


This article was originally published February 2013