The Gauntlet: 50 Questions with Paul F. Tompkins

Photo by Paul F. Tompkins

Photo by Paul F. Tompkins


In lieu of a real interview, we sent 50 questions
to Paul F. Tompkins and told him to answer as many
as he could and that regardless of how far he got,
we'd publish all of them.

We abbreviated your name in internal emails as PFT. Do you ever refer to yourself as PFT?

When I talk about myself in the third person, it tends to be more along the lines of, “His Excellency.”


How about PYT?

How ABOUT it?!


You know, like the Michael Jacko song?

I DO like the Michael Jacko song!


You probably get that PYT thing a lot, don’t you?

Uhhh. Not at all! What fun.


Just so you know, regardless of your answer, we will consider you a PYT.

Let’s move on.


If you had a nickname that the press gave you, what would it be?

Up to the press to decide? I’m sorry, I’m trying to follow your question 
but you’re asking me to read the minds of the Fourth Estate.


What would you have to do to end up in the tabloids?

Be known by more than 100 people? THIS OUGHTTA DO IT!


You were once on a show called DAG. What was it like working 
with David Alan Grier?



Are you currently wearing your trademark suit?



How many hats do you wear?

Only as many as would make me tall enough to go on rides.


How do you look so goddamn sharp?

Watch your tone. Also, tuck in your shirt.


Define sartorial and use it in a sentence. 

“Sartorial” refers to matters of clothing, as in, “I know ‘sartorial’ relates to clothing in some way, but I’m not sure, so could you define it for me?”


Are you, or have you ever, been a wearer of tank tops?

I have no occasion to enter tanks, so no.


Gotta let those guns breathe, right?

... Sure.


Because they’re hot?



Who’s got the sexiest arms in Hollywood?

Whoever wears the longest sleeves, because they’re clearly trying to 
maintain order by concealing them.


What do the words “Man, it’s brutal out there” mean to you?



How can one make talking about the weather more interesting?

Act like you made it happen: “Sorry about the rain today. My hand slipped.”


We’re covering a lot of family topics in this issue. Mind if we ask you 
about your family?

I dare you to.


F. Thompkins: That’s a name of Hispanic descent, correct?

Maybe. I’m no expert, though, because my name is TOMPKINS.


Do you know what your parents did before you were born?

Yes, I would watch them from heaven while I was waiting to be born.


How did they ever live without you?



If they’re reading this, and we assume they are, what would you want to tell them here and not in person?

“I love you.”


What are your thoughts on sisters?



What are your thoughts on the sisters? 

I can only respond by swiveling my head on my neck like crazy.


Aunts: Overrated? Underrated?

Well, they’re no uncles.


Do you pronounce the word “aunt” as “ant” or “awnt”?

I say “ain’t,” like Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry, R.F.D. 


If you could institute an entirely new pronunciation of the word aunt, what would it be?



What does motherhood mean to you?

Let’s get this party started!


Anybody can get a gun but it takes a man to be a father, right?

It’s not really a question if you just add “right” to the end, is it?


Rank your family members. Go. 

Okay, I went and did it.


What’s your Thanksgiving like?

Revelation 4:4.


What’s your favorite Thanksgiving memory with your family?

We only have one shared memory — the time that scientist tried 
to fuse our consciousnesses together.


What question are you asked most at family gatherings?

“When are you going to appear in The Occasional? Until you do, 
we consider you a failure, right?”


How would you explain podcasts to the very elderly?

Slowly but concisely.


How do they explain paintings to you?

LOTS of pointing and grunting.


Do you have, or are you currently having, any children?

I don’t have any kids ... that I participate in the lives of! [Up top]



I don’t need to deplete my candy budget catering to unsophisticated palates.


What would you tell your daughter, Abigail, if you had a daughter 
named Abigail?

“I’m just going out for a pack of cigarettes.”


Leno or Letterman … to have as your dad?



Would you like to stop these questions? You can if you’d like. 

Fuck you.


Let’s get to the hard-hitting questions: You see someone who you’re 
pretty sure is Hitler, but he’s walking a real cute dog. What do you do?

I march right up to that dog and let him know EXACTLY who’s holding his leash. Then watch them fight.


What would you tell Eric Clapton when you meet him in heaven?

“I coveted my neighbor’s wife, too, but here we both are!”


Eric Clapton: Dead or alive?

Alive, please? I am uncomfortable giving the kill order on Clapton.


Are you sure?

No. Take him down.


Who’s on your bucket list?

The bucketiest people I can think of! Lots of folks with chins or 
beards that look like handles.


In terms of hot cereal, you a Farina or Cream of Wheat man?

I like to do a hot cereal “suicide” with both Farina and Cream of Wheat, with a little McCann’s Steel-Cut Irish Oatmeal and some gruel. 


Speaking of, what do you think of that Cream of Wheat man they 
have on the box?

I LOVE his hat.


Which Vacation movie is your favorite: Christmas Vacation or Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie’s Island Adventure?



White pants: what’s the story there?



This article was originally published November 2013


Family Review: Uncles

Artie Johann illustration by Gregor Louden

Artie Johann illustration by Gregor Louden

id you know that 90% of the people in this country are uncles? I forget where I heard that statistic. I think it was from that maniac who hangs out at the library. I get most of my news from him. He’s like a really loud, dangerous newspaper. 

For those of you who don’t know, an uncle is a man who hangs out around families during holidays, birthday parties, and other events where there is free food. They are a vital part of extended families and come in three different forms: Cool Uncle, Bad Uncle, and Girl Uncle.

Cool Uncles usually have a mustache. They’re the uncles your dad loves and your mom hates. They will give you a sip of their beer when no one’s looking, and let you eat dessert way before dinner. Most cool uncles wear shirts they got for free, and always have a story about seeing a rock star eating lunch at a deli. For some reason, all cool uncles want in life is to see rock stars eating sandwiches. But always round down the rock star they said they saw. If they told you they saw Mick Jagger, they actually saw Rod Stewart. If they said they saw Tom Petty, they really saw John Cougar Mellencamp. And if they told you they saw Bryan Adams, they didn’t see anyone. No one brags about Bryan Adams unless it’s a panicked lie. 

Cool uncles are fun because they love to joke around. No object is shtick proof. Give a cool uncle an ice cream cone and he’ll show you five different ways to put it on your head. Everything’s a joke with them. Everything except Vietnam. Vietnam is a cool uncle’s Vietnam. 

Popular names for cool uncles are Joe, Hank, and Buck. 


Bad Uncles usually have a mustache. They’re the uncles that you see a lot in pictures when you’re a baby, then not again until you’re in high school. A sign that someone’s a bad uncle is that when they walk into a room everyone gets quiet. Another sign is that they give inappropriately expensive gifts to your sister. That’s a sign of a very, very bad uncle. 

Bad uncles will get in a minimum of one fistfight with your dad during Thanksgiving. It’ll usually start with a just-for-fun front lawn football game and turn into a way-too-serious running race/wrestling match on the street. In-laws will try to intervene, only to be told to “stay out of this”, and it’ll all end with Grandpa somehow falling in the driveway, and a silent dessert-in-the-car drive home.    

Bad uncles are also always “in-between” things. They’ll say stuff like “Hey, do me a favor...”, “Can I borrow your cell phone?”, and “I pay taxes. I’m shitting on this beach.”   

Popular names for bad uncles are Deadbeat, Asshole, and Loser.


Girl Uncles are just like other uncles except they’re girls. Popular names for girl uncles are Aunt Karen, Aunt Dawn, and Aunt Judy. 


In conclusion, cool uncles rule! Bad uncles suck. And girl uncles are weird, but sometimes hot in the way ladies in medication commercials are hot. The best part about uncles is that they’re basically practice dads. If you’re ever worried your dad is gonna get mad at you for something, just practice it on your uncle. That’s why I punch my uncle a lot. Sometimes I get mad at my dad and feel like punching him, but I don’t because he’s strong from being in the Army. So, whenever my uncle comes over, I punch him. It’s great! He can’t get mad at me ‘cause I’m not his kid. This one time when I was in high school, I wanted to throw a huge keg party at my house, but was worried my dad would get angry. So I broke into my uncle’s house and threw it there instead. He was furious, but who cares, he’s not my dad! I guess a lot of kids porked in his bed. Actually, I know a lot of kids porked in his bed. It’s where I told everyone they could pork.


Overall Rating



Five out of five Cindy Crawford posters

Uncles LOVE Cindy Crawford.


This article was originally published November 2013


Indiana Jones: Behind the Scenes


George Lucas: So after Sean Connery’s like “Indiana was the dog’s name,” we cut to Indiana, his dad, and their family dog fighting Nazis. It’ll be a great teaser for “Indiana Jones 4: Raiders of the Lost Bark.”  

Harrison Ford: I’m into it.

Sean Connery: Me too, let’s do it.  

(Steven Spielberg enters the room.)

Steven Spielberg: George, who are you talking to? 

(George Lucas glances toward life-size cut-outs of Sean Connery and Harrison Ford. Steven Spielberg slowly backs out the door.)

George Lucas: Great. We start shooting tomorrow. I’ve already drawn up the contracts. 

(George Lucas laughs maniacally for 20 minutes, doing nothing to hide his erection.) 


This article was originally published November 2013


The Rob Delaney Guide to Parenting


The Twitter champ, author, and father was kind enough to shed some light on the best parenting practices.


How would you describe yourself as a father? 

Really, really good. Only because parenting kids under 3 is easy, in the sense that 
if you screw up in any substantial way, they’ll die.

Debunk this standard parenting practice: giving your children a better life than you had.

That’s mayonnaise. Which is to say: that’s ridiculous. Did Abe Lincoln have an easy life? Coco Chanel? Pol Pot? If you want your kid to be great, you give them a garbage life. 

What traits of yours do you want your kids to have? 

I want my kids to have my oaken buttocks and powerful thighs. When I see a hill or a flight of stairs, I am confident that my beef machine will carry me effortlessly to the top.

What do you not want them to have?

I don’t want them to have my deep-seated racism. Not a lot of people know I’m a racist because I play by the rules as I climb the rungs of fame’s ladder, but I hate race-mixing, racy song lyrics, foot races, you name it.

What physical attributes do you want your kids to inherit from your wife?

I hope my sons have full ample bosoms like their beautiful mother. I love my wife’s breasts and if my sons want me to love them, they will grow or otherwise acquire breasts like their mother’s. 

What sex moves will you teach your kids when they’re ready?

The “Hold the Door for the Nice Lady,” the “Did You Get Your Hair Done?”, and the “Cincinnati Shit Waffle.”


What extracurricular activity would you hope your kids do?

I’m a sportsman myself, so hopefully they’ll like sportsball, sporting around, and playing “Math Wand.”

How would you handle someone else disciplining your child?

That would be a-okay with me. My wife will tell you I’m terrified of conflict, so if a priest or SWAT team has ideas on how to keep my boys in line, 
be my guest. 



The Rob Delaney Child Achievement Goal Sheet

According to Rob, his children need to hit specific accomplishments every 10 years.

Hit start button below


Illustrated by Justin Bilicki

This article was originally published November 2013

Tom Cruise Becomes a Father



From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: May 16, 2013 at 4:58pm

Subject: Your Recent Inquiry 


Dear Mr. Cruise:


Thank you for your inquiry into the New Hope Fertility Clinic. You may schedule an appointment to donate any time between the hours 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. 


We ask that you bring a valid, state-issued ID and copies of any documents of certification you wish to verify. It is important that you refrain from any sexual activity for three days before your appointment.


As per your question regarding compensation, there is no set rate; compensation is calculated based on a variety of factors, including what we currently have in stock in our storage facility. 


Please direct any further questions to our help desk, which can be reached at: (860) 615-9469


Thank you for your interest in New Hope Fertility Clinic, the San Fernando Valley leader in fertility services. 


Janice Lee



P.S. You certainly have a very famous name!! I bet you get that a lot! You’re probably tired of people asking if you’re the actor Tom Cruise, so sorry to be annoying. ; )


From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: May 22, 2013 at 10:32am

Subject: RE: Your Recent Inquiry


Dear Mr. Cruise,


Thank you for following up with New Hope, though we urge you to call our help line at (860) 615-9469 with any further questions you may have.


In case we were not clear in our previous email, all donations must take place at our facility where they can be handled properly by our team of professionals. Donors are not permitted to simply mail an unsolicited sample in a warm piece of tupperware.


And as we have already mentioned, proper identification is required for all donors. Here is a list of documents that qualify: 

  • Driver’s License
  • Any State-Issued ID Card
  • Social Security Card
  • Passport

As you may have noticed, a piece of masking tape on the tupperware with the words “The Top Gun’s Legacy” in poor penmanship is not on that list. 


Please make an appointment and we will gladly walk you through the process if you need more assistance. 


Thank you, 

Janice Lee


From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: May 25, 2013 at 1:18pm

Subject: Proper Protocol


Mr. Cruise, 


I urge you to stop mailing us samples of semen in padded envelopes. You now have sent over 10 soup-sized tupperware containers and somewhere in the range of 10-15 ziplock bags, which were labeled “Round 2.” This is nothing more than a waste of our time and your time.  


Furthermore, how are you even mailing these? They don’t have any stamps or any sign of paid postage. I can only assume you’re dropping them off personally and then leaving the premises. If you would just come inside, we would be happy to assist you. 


And in regard to your note in which you asked about my ethnicity, yes, I am in fact Asian.




From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: May 28, 2013 at 9:12am

Subject: RE: Proper Protocol


Please. Mr. Cruise. Stop. You sent us 40 pounds of samples, all stored in Chinese food containers that you drew hearts on.


Am I to understand that the scanned note below is an invoice for your “donations”?


Even if we were to pay you that ridiculous amount, without proper, or any, identification, we cannot verify that you are in fact, the real Tom Cruise. 




From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: May 31, 2013 at 8:26am

Subject: RE: Proper Protocol


Mr. Cruise, 

You sent us this photograph.


It is not a valid form of ID, nor does it actually prove you are Tom Cruise. 




From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: June 2, 2013 at 8:13am

Subject: RE: Proper Protocol


Mr. Cruise, 

You sent us this photograph.


While that actually does open the door to you being the actor Tom Cruise, there are strict rules and regulations we have to follow. And while we normally would be honored to have a film star of your caliber volunteering to help couples unable to conceive a child of their own, it is our wish to discontinue this relationship. We appreciate your interest in New Hope, but we have to ask you to take your services elsewhere. 


Janice Lee


From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: June 2, 2013 at 8:17am

Subject: RE: Proper Protocol


Mr. Cruise, 


No, we are not being “glib” in telling you the rules of our fertility clinic. We take our business very seriously and have been serving the community for over 30 years. If anything, it is you who is being glib. 


Janice Lee



From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: November 3, 2013 at 2:51pm

Subject: Your Donations


Mr. Cruise,


We have not received any official correspondence or donations from you in some months. I am not complaining. Office morale is slowly returning to the high level it was at prior to your decision to conduct business with The New Hope Fertility Clinic.


But I have begun to feel guilty that we had pushed you away when your heart was in the right place. If you still wish to donate and help families in need, I will personally set you up with an appointment.  


Janice Lee



From: Janice Lee <>

To: Tom Cruise <>

Date: November 6, 2013 at 8:33am

Subject: RE: Your Donations


Dear Mr. Cruise,


Please don’t send us any more pictures you have photoshopped of yourself giving birth to African-American children with the caption “I love black people.” 


And your insistence that we have a duty to preserve your bloodline because you are the “last samurai” is, frankly, not our concern.


Consider this your final correspondence with New Hope Fertility. 


Janice Lee


This article was originally publish November 2013


The Ultimate Dick and Fart Joke


Audio Engineer: Jason Flowers

Originally published October 2013

QUIZ: Are You Sexually Attracted to Your Cousin


Choose the options below that best describe your feelings toward your cousin.


Glendale Herald Obituary


Lou Kalunksy


ou Kalunksy died last night at the age of 68. He worked at this newspaper for over forty years, where he served as the Obituaries Editor. Despite Kalunksy's decades of hard work, he was never given a shred of respect by anybody. His editors paid him terribly and his colleagues made fun of his weight and speaking voice, which happened to be high-pitched.

During his tenure at the Herald, Kalunsky wrote over 10,000 obituaries. He also masturbated in every single room of the bureau, including his editor's office (twice). He was never caught, even though he masturbated at work a minimum of once a day. 

In addition to masturbating everywhere, Kalunksy often took pencils off his colleague's desks, went into the third floor bathroom, and put the pencils inside of his butt. Later, when nobody was looking, he would put these pencils back on people's desks. Everyone at the newspaper used pencils that had been inside of his butt.

Once a week, Kalunsky went to work early and spat in all the water coolers. Everyone drank his spit all the time.

Kalunksy is survived by his coworkers at the Herald, including Sheryl (who ate his special dietary yogurts without asking) and Paul (who called Kalunsky "Ka-lumpy" behind his back.) Both colleagues drank his spit and used pencils from his butt. One night, Kalunsky took Paul's ruler, which he uses all the time for layout, and jammed it really deep inside of his butt. The next day, he saw Paul using the ruler and laughed so hard that he started to cry. People asked him what was so funny and he said "Jeff's political cartoon," but really it was the fact that Paul was using a ruler that had been incredibly deep inside of his unwashed butt.

In lieu of flowers, please send bags of shit to the offices of the Glendale Herald.

This article was originally published October 2013


Yelp Review:



I recently logged on to this website because I needed help finding an adult friend. His name is Tom, he is 31 years old, and he has been missing since August 29th, 2013. After spending $19.95 on this bogus service, my adult friend has STILL not been found!

With the police investigation producing no leads and zero witnesses coming forward with information, I was at a serious loss for how to locate my adult friend. It seems that in today’s “Amber Alert” culture, with so much attention focused on finding our missing child friends, adult-friend-finding has largely been pushed to the back burner (thanks, Obama). So you can imagine my pleasant surprise when I stumbled across a website called “” I thought to myself “finally, a service catering to my specific needs.” Boy, was I ever wrong.

Despite my situation meeting ALL of the criteria laid out in this website’s incredibly misleading name (Tom is a full-grown adult, a true friend, and in serious need of finding), Adult Friend Finder was completely unhelpful in locating him. And this was through no lack of trying on my part. I was as specific as possible within the confines of their strangely lighthearted and randy search terms. Since I am also a man, I selected “man seeking man” for “casual fun” (figuring that a casual, fun night in with his loved ones could be quite helpful to Tom’s most-likely-shattered psyche). I clicked “search” and waited.   

At this point, I became VERY confused. The results were nothing but photos of men in various states of undress AND arousal. How is this relevant to locating missing adults?! I found it very odd that the families of these men would provide such racy, downright pornographic photos of their missing loved ones, but there was no time to sit in judgment. I had an adult friend to find.

I soon received a message from a “HungYoungWolf_44” asking if I wanted to “party.” I obliged, assuming that meant organizing a search party. I told Hung Young (who, based on his name, I assumed to be of Japanese and German descent – he wasn’t) to meet me that evening at the men’s room in the park (the site of Tom’s disappearance) and to bring a flashlight, rope and whatever other tools he’d need to get the job done. He arrived with a sack full of devices alright, but they all seemed better suited for searching in a person than for a person. The two of us had sex and it was great, but this did NOT bring me any closer to finding my adult friend, Tom. 

I would recommend this site for the sex ONLY. For missing persons cases, definitely go to the police or at least


[2.5 stars because of the sex]


This article was originally published October 2013 

MORPHS: You Won’t Believe What These Sex Symbols Looked Like When They Were Young


A look back and a look forward at the those who changed the face of sex throughout history. 

Slide the pegs below to watch the sex symbols become younger.



John Travolta






Jack Nicholson



Sophia Lauren



Johnny Depp



Pamela Anderson



Mickey Rourke



Denzel Washington


Get The Look: Nicki Minaj!


Breaking down Nicki Minaj’s effortless style




Woah. Okay.









Good God, woman.






Is that what that is?



Holy mackerel.



Not even sure… what…

those are.



Aye caramba. 



Uh… cool?









Just… just stop. 


This article was originally published October 2013


Around Town: Justin's Unbelieberble Bod!





Yum yum! Fans of Justin Bieber got a tasty treat this week when the pop mega-star went shirtless for an Us Weekly photo shoot, showing off his delicious little boy body!

Justin’s lithe little muscles and smooth, hairless boy chest were on full display last Thursday as he posed for the cameras while talking about his sold-out “Believe” tour with his full, moist mouth. “I’m excited to see all my fans,” said the little filthy tease. “We have a lot of cool things planned for the show.”

The “One Time” singer has recently gotten into trouble for speeding in residential areas like a naughty little dirty boy who needs to be spanked, hard, but refused to comment on the issue. “I’m just focused on my tour and my fans right now,” said Bieber while coyly running his fingers down his lickably tight belly as though he didn’t know exactly goddamn well what he was doing.

Justin Bieber’s smooth little boy cock was not on display during the photo shoot, though fans can vividly imagine how it would feel to fondle it with their sweaty, trembling hands.


This article was originally published October 2013


The Gauntlet: 50 Questions with Maria Bamford

Photography by&nbsp;Piper Ferguson

Photography by Piper Ferguson


In lieu of a real interview, we sent over 50 questions to Maria Bamford and told her to answer as many as she could and that regardless of how far she got, we'd publish all of them. 


So you incorporate a lot of characters and voices into your act, right?



How many do you do?

About 4 voices.


Can you do one right now?



How’d it go?

Well, I did an impersonation of me doing an impersonation of myself doing an impersonation of me because I am in a hotel business center and I feel self-conscious.  I said “hello” to myself in the mirror. It was pretty accurate.


What person would you say has the best speaking voice in the world?

Barack Obama has a very warm palate of tones.


How about the best peaking voice?

The voice of Everest has been silent, but as it is trampled by millions seeking its summit, I believe it will rise up.  (What are we talking about?)


Who needs to stop talking all together?

I’m often caught in the middle of my own monologue to a stranger and wonder— what’s that high-pitched beeping— “Oh! I’m still talking!”


What was the best conversation you had in the past week?

My boyfriend doing impersonations of our dogs.


If you’re in a group conversation, what’s your role?

Listener, laugher (Lady).


You’re buying a picture frame and notice that the stock photo in the frame is YOU. What do you do?

Call my manager to celebrate!


How do you stay in such tip top shape?



What’s your favorite exercise?

Elliptical while Netflixing.


How much can you bench?



What’s your relationship like with your parents?

Casual, sexy.


What do you wish it was like?

Intense, confusing.


What’s something you wish you could say to your parents but never would?

You guys, I’m going back to school in Library Science.


Do you think they’ll read this interview?

My Mom had me on Google-Alert –so I assume, yes.  Hi, Mom!


How old is too old to start doing stand-up?

With technology, I think hospice care, or late 50’s-90’s, is the best time to start!  Free time, great perspective on some edgy topics— death, chronic pain, loss, bedsores.  The Internet is a 24 hour international open mic and the AARP membership is a growing, untapped audience.  I can’t wait to see what my parents’ generation is going to come up with.  They’re cra-zay.


What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard told by a child?

I like a fart noise.


What’s the least funny joke you’ve ever heard told by a child?

Hitting me on the head with a plastic baseball bat.


Do you know anyone you would consider a “hack”?

I certainly have the characteristics of what I’ve heard a “hack” is— heterosexual relationships, food, airport references.  And there’s always 
a new generation of “hack”— so, I’m sure whatever’s edgy now will become the norm and then, the people will rise up.


Do you know anyone you would consider a “hacker”?

I am in a commune of artistes.  We do not speak of technology.


Angelina Jolie was in Hackers. How would you describe her whole “deal”?

She’s pretty great and all.


Since this is a sex-themed issue, do you mind if we ask you a few sex related questions?

Of course.  I want to be obliging.


Sex: Overrated? Underrated?

UNDER!  It’s so fun and funny. 


What sex advice would you give to someone having sex for the first time?



What sex advice would you give to someone having sex for the last time?

Give it your 20%!


Pornography: what does the word mean to you?

Cash cow, harder than waitressing.


What’s a good outfit someone can wear during sex?

V-neck trousers. 


Who’s sexier? Steve Jobs or Steve Spielberg?

I can’t choose.  They both have their sensual energies.  Especially since Steve Jobs would be a ghost.


What’s your favorite Steve Spielberg movie?

ET.  It reminds me of how I feel living in Los Angeles.  Surviving off of Reese’s Pieces in a closet.


Ol’ Steve Spielberg is getting a little full of himself, no?

He has a lot to be proud of.  He’s been able to do a lot despite being a tiny little man with girl hands.


When would you say Steve Spielberg jumped the shark?

This is where I mention Jaws.


Did you say Jaws? You know, because of the shark that’s in that movie?



Who directed Jaws 2?

I don’t know and I won’t check.


Did you even see Jaws 2?

No, I didn’t and I won’t. I simply will not watch JAWS 2.


Explain yourself. 

A typical day for me involves approximately four hours of upright consciousness— all activities must be contained between 12 noon and 4 and then I fall into a heap of pugs.  There is no room—with all of my snacking and responsibilities—to attend to all of pop culture.


Do you watch House of Cards?

Negatory, but my parents keep me up to date on Kevin Spacey’s shenanigans.


What is your favorite TV show, not including House of Cards?

DEREK!!!!!! And Suze Orman (available on iTunes!).


Which is more fun to play, House or Cards?

House is much more fun— especially grocery shop miming.


Do you care about the Beatles?

We keep in touch.


Who’s tall these days?

Is Manute Bol still a reference?


What do you do when you see someone over seven feet tall?

I enunciate clearly and loudly.


It’s like where do they even get off?

Well, they get off at whatever stop they want to but if they go to the end of the line— then, that’s their beeswax.


If you were a betting woman, what would be the name of the horse you’d bet on?

Braindead Megaphone – title of one of my favorite books – or Bert.


Are you a betting woman?



Have you ever stolen anything? 

I have stolen food. And when I say stolen—I mean—relieved friends of old candy corn in a cupboard while they weren’t watching.  Who is the victim?


Are you currently in possession of anything that doesn’t belong to you?

As a middle-class white woman, I’m sure there are a few things I’ve appropriated that I should return. I should probably give back reggae.


What is the quickest and easiest way to express disapproval?

Grimace and downcast eyes.


Boxers or brief...cases?

I’m going with Boxers.  Petting dogs lowers your blood pressure, and business luggage is still evolving.


This article was originally published October 2013


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