The tales surrounding Nick Offerman border on folklore. Myth, even.
The sorts of tales passed down from generation to generation in hushed whispers. Where do his manly characters end and where does his, also manly, persona begin?
We were luckily enough to spend a day in the wild with Nick and get to know him. It shed light on what is fact and what is fable.
But don't take our word for it...
How does Nick choose which tree to chop down?
How does Nick stay warm in the winter?
When was Nick big enough to enter the wild by himself?
When did Nick learn to swing an axe?
What makes Nick laugh?
What is Nick's biggest pet peeve?
Why does Nick build things out of wood?
How can you get in touch with Nick?
What is Nick's favorite outfit?
What is the most dangerous thing Nick has ever wrestled?
Written by Alex Fernie & Dan Abramson
Photography by Robyn Von Swank